1 I'm shy. when it comes to public speaking,or standing in front of a crowd.
2 I Love the sea, but i'm scared of it too.
3 I'll get cranky or moody if i don't get enough sleep.
4 I will be a quiet person when i am hungry.
5 Bites my nail if i'm hungry or bored or there is a loose skin.
6 I Love dogs!
7 I tend to think too much, I just do.
8 I Love mangoes (the green ones), top it off with salt (lots).
9 I Love Donuts. Croissant. Buns. Bread.
10 UNAGI, SALMON. Sushi... One of my weakness.
11 I Love weird things. It's very interesting and unique.
12 BIG Dreams. But too shy to reach it. Low self confidence.
13 Music is a passion of mine.
14 Wish to play a musical instrument, because now i don't know any. SAD.
15 Believe in the LAW OF ATTRACTION.
16 Lovesssss Pixelate/8bit stuff.
17 Singer and Performer? Want to be,but not there YET.
18 Friends? Love them. But no real ones though.
19 Wish to be someone who people look up to.
20 I Wish to have a tattoo!! If my parents let me. Boo..
21 I wanna feel Loved. Loved as in a partner to you. Does it really exist?
22 Like the feeling of physical pain.
23 Forget only on things that is not important,Who i saw yesterday?
24 Hates the rain when i'm out. Loves it when i'm sleeping.
25 I wish someone would make a song about me and sing it to me :)